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be in the class中文

用"be in the class"造句"be in the class" in a sentence"be in the class"怎麼讀


  • 在教室


  • I ' m very happy to be in the class
  • The spml client is in the class
  • That is , the interesting stuff from psyco s point of view is in the class
  • Irene roberts , he tells me , is in the class just down the hall
  • How were they appropriate or inappropriate for the students that were in the class
  • While we were in the classes , teacher lin was very kind to prepare lunch for us
  • With the context attribute and the context property being in the class
    類中的上下文屬性( attribute )和上下文屬性( property )從該類中派生。
  • Before the match , all the students thought class 3 would win the match because some good players were in the class
  • After your workout , if there is a snack bar , then you can comment on the aerobic class you just took or the latest exercise machine . . . but not while you are in the class or using the machines
    鍛煉完了之后,如果有一個賣零食的柜臺柜,你可以(在那里)就你剛才參加的健美操課程或者你剛用過的鍛煉器材做評論. . .但是不是在上課或者使用器材的時候。
用"be in the class"造句  
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